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Monday, November 15, 2010

Oh yes, It's Love...No if's about it...

On a spinning ball in the middle of space
I love you from your toes to your face

If it's love
And we decide that it's forever
No one else could do it better

It has just been a crazy hectic day...but that is usually the case on the days I have to work. Work was something else today, but that isn't something I will get into...Let's just say I have no tolerance for whiners...and leave it at that.

Then, there was the craziness of being late getting out of work, going to drop Michael off at Basketball, going to pick up Jason, picking Michael back up, getting dinner ready, all the while trying to not disrupt the kids' normal bedtime routine. My puppy misbehaved (grrrrrr.....) and honestly, I just about lost it. However, the above pictued man, pulled me away from it, I had a drink (Allen's Coffee Brandy is my cure-all...) and it's turning out to be a much better night.

Michael has asked to go on his very first "date" at the movies. Not sure if that is going to happen, but it's cute that he asked. That's all I really have for tonight. This Princess is going to go relax with her baby and call it an early night....


*Hiz Princess*

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