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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hurry Up Monday and GET HERE.....

My baby girl Emma. I miss her so much, but I stay positive because I am CERTAIN that she will be back with us after Monday. I go to Court that day to get her back and also hopefully my van. I do worry about what condition she will be in when I get her back...Keep fingers and toes crossed for us that she (and my van) come home to me safely on MONDAY!!!!



Thursday, March 3, 2011

Someday, he may care...then I will be in trouble

Yes, it's true. My bug a boo baby boy is pretty much potty trained...He tells me when he needs to go and is able to wait until we get upstairs....Only the very occasional accident.

Lucky for me, all he cared about was getting his picture taken and wasn't as concerned about the fact that he was sitting on the toliet.

That makes number 82 off my list complete!!!



Monday, February 28, 2011

KINECT.....Time to get up and MOVING!!

So, one of my goals was to buy a Kinect and to start using it at least 3x a week....remember? Well, I didn't buy it, Michael bought it for us...but in the process he bought me 3 games for it....Dance Paradise, Dance Central and the Zumba Fitness!! I've tried both the dance them!  Zumba I know is going to kick my ass, but I will do it....Just giving him a turn to play. He bought himself that new GIG game. Kinda like Rockband, but the guitar is actually realistic. Actual strings and can be plugged into an amp and all that.

The kids really are enjoying the game too....

Kiddos had their first day of school today. Mike had kind of a rough start this morning. Little emotional and overwhelming, but in the end, they both had a good day and started making some new friends....but, they only had a half day today because of the snow. Dismissed at 12:30.

We went and picked Jason up from Daddy's. So, we are all back together...I love when we are all here. Our house is always filled with so much laughter.



Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ahhhh....The Smell of Two Stroke In The Morning!!

This is Lil J. One of my newly acquired toys. We've only spent a limited time together though because he is simply too far away for me to ride everyday like I want to....for now anyway.  Him and I have always gotten along though....that is, until today. You see, we had a minor disagreement and well....he won. I didn't want to take that steep hill quite as fast as he thought I should and so, he thought it would be funny to get stuck, turn sideways and proceed to throw me off of him. Unlucky for him, but lucky for me, he isn't very heavy so I decided to throw him back around so I could get him unstuck. He was a bit testy the rest of the day for me.... *Sigh* Of course, as soon as Michael got on him to see what his issue was, he was suddenly on his best behavior. Such is life I guess.....

I expect to have a quiet rest of the weekend. Jason is gone to Daddy's and well.....there just isn't much to do up this way so.....

Kiddos start school on Monday....Wish them luck!



Friday, February 25, 2011

Getting Back on Track with This

So, I know it's been a while.....did you all give up on me again? I wouldn't have blamed you! But, here I am, back at it! I had A LOT going on and in reality, still do. Some of you may know....I got married! Sort of a spur of the moment thing, but we are very happy! We recently moved to an adorable little house in a nice quiet town...Milo. Far away from the drama of my old life. I really am enjoying it here. I even have an old friend here that use to work at Orono Commons with I'm not completely removed from everyone I know! Hahaa!

We are still getting settled in, adjusting things, but it is going very well. The kids start at their new school on Monday and Jason and I get to start spending plenty of quality time together! But....won't be being lazy! Mama has plenty of educational stuff for us to be doing! Even though he won't be in daycare anymore, we still have to work on his pre-school skills!

So, our family and lives are pretty much back to normal, but we are still missing one thing. My puppy Emma. I still don't have her back as I am being forced to take people to court to get her back. But, in a little over a week, hopefully, she will be back home with us where she belongs!! Keep your fingers crossed for us!!



Sunday, January 9, 2011

Life Changes So Quickly Sometimes...

Life can change so quickly sometimes. One minute you think you are happy and the next minute something happens that puts things in perspective for you. You can either ignore it or take a chance on it and try to find something that makes you TRULY HAPPY. Not just content.

Last night, I took a chance and I think, even though my stomach is in knots right now, that this will be for the better. One of my items on my list was to identify 100 things that make me HAPPY. And while building this list of things that make me happy, I couldn't honestly put this one person on it. So, I took my chance.

While I can see how much hurt it is causing, I need to do what is best for my children and ME. I know I will get through this because I have amazing family and friends.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

All ready fell behind...

I guess not really because I didn't commit to writing on my blog EVERYDAY. I just said I would keep on it! So, this is me keeping up on it.

Yesterday was back to school and everyday life for the kids and I. Daycare, homework and basketball practice were all on the agenda.

It wasn't something on my list, but last night I began crocheting a scarf. I got about half way done with it and like how it is turning out so far. I wont' post a picture though until it's done!

I had the day off from work today thank goodness. It's quite tiring when you are the only CNA on the unit for 12 patients. Even the ones that are mostly independent still ring when they need something and sometimes it gets to be too much. But, I do love my job and all my patients, so I do what I need to do....

The registration on the van ran out last Friday (oops), so I had to take care of that. And of course, it couldn't all be done at City Hall because of that nasty SR-22 on my license, so I had to go to Bangor for that. But, it's all legal now....

As for my list, in progress now are:

#3 Drink more water
#19 Save a Dollar a Day
#29 Read the Bible Everyday
#31 Donate Things We don't need
#37 Start a Blog and keep up on it
#39 Quit Smoking
#42 Read Ten Classic Novels
#62 Crochet Dishcloths
#69 30 Consecutive Days with no fast food
#82 Potty Train Jason

While I haven't officially quit smoking yet, I am attempting to make the last pack and a half I have here in the house be the last of the cigarettes I smoke. I wasn't able to get in to see my doctor today though to try and get some sort of stop smoking aid, but....I am going to attempt to do so on my next weekday off which is next Thursday. I figured it out that at almost a pack a day (not all are smoked by me, quite often a few get bummed off me from work) and almost $7 a pack, I'm spending $200 a month on this nasty habit and that just seems like a great big waste to me....

As for #69, I began that one on Sunday. The only time I really eat fast food is at work for lunch. The problem with that is...I work five days a week! My meal is usually $6 a day, times five is $30 a week! So, there is another $120 a month on something not so great for me. I have been bringing leftovers to work the past couple of days.

That's where I'm at with my list....where are you with yours???

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I told you I was going to dive head first into this....

Daily Bible Reading

This is number 29 on my list of  101 in 1001 Although I just realized I didn't update the list before I posted it on here. Number 29 was edited to read: Read the Bible Everyday. And so, I found this great website that gives me readings from the Catholic Bible everyday. And so, that is now in progress and has been since yesterday!

I also started number 3 today of Drink More Water. I took my water jug to work today and instead of drinking soda or my usual vanilla chai, I drank water all day!

Number 31 was also suppose to be edited to read "Donate things we don't need" as I really hate the idea of throwing away things, especially when there are probably less fortunate people who could use even the simplest of items. I started a pile last night all from Sean's side of the closet. Mostly bedding things like a couple of pillows, some of Mike's old shoes that were in our closet and an old radio. Of course, all my donations will be going to the Holy Family Parish Thrift Store

Number 37 is going on as we speak, since I am writing on this here blog! I know that maybe not everyone enjoys hearing what I have to say, but I know that my family has told me that they like to know what's going on with me and the family and that sometimes this is the easiest way to do it....

Number 42 is also in progress as last night I started reading Ulysses, which was listed as number 1 of the Top 100 Classic Novels. Reading with my Kindle is much easier and far more enjoyable then lugging around a big book!

As I said last night, #62 is all ready in progress and you all saw evidence of that last night. I don't have anymore dishcloth yarn right now, or I should say, I don't have enough to do another one, but I may try to make a "scrap" cloth if the mood strikes me.

And of course, #82. The ever exhausting battle of potty training. Of course, it doesn't help when some people aren't in it with me and just let him go in his pull up. *Sigh*

Saturday, January 1, 2011

101 in 1001

I know, I know. Some of you know that I hav tried to do this before, but this time, I'm really going for it! I'm really excited about doing this and this time, I have a couple of friends on board who are doing this with me! I'm hoping they are as excited about it as I am and we will keep each other motivated to do this!

So, this is my list:

Lose 5 lbs x4
Buy a Kinect or a Wii and use it at least 3x a week
Drink more water
Spend a day getting nails done, a pedicure, and massage
Buy a new camera
Volunteer more (for the Church or school!)
Visit my grandfather’s grave at least once a month when there is no snow
Take the kids to see a movie at least once a month (0/33)
Make each family a blanket for Christmas at least once
Go Four-wheeling with Sean (and maybe buy a four wheeler!)
Dust the house every week(0/143)
Take a jazz dance class for at least one session
Start drawing again and check out an art book once a month(0/33)
Get my Monroe piercing
Go see a Celtics Game!
Get another tattoo
Take a walk at least once a day for a month x3 (0/3)
Get Jason’s handprints done like Michael and Summer’s
Save a dollar a day for 1001 days (0/1001)
Learn to swim at least well enough that I won’t drown =]
Try food from a ethnicity that I never have tried before
Print photos of Patriots game and scrap them!
Scrapbook the box of pictures
Take a photography class
Learn to knit
Buy a new movie once a month (0/33)
Learn sign language
Take Sean to see a Red Sox vs. Yankees game
Listen to classical music for one hour a week
Build my hallway bench myself.
Donate things that we don’t need!
Walk Jason to school everyday that it is not pouring and I‘m not working!
Spend time outside playing with the kids at least once a week (even in the winter) (0/143)
Get a Nintendo DS!
Have a game night with the kids/family at least one night a month (0/33)
Actually plant that flower garden!
Start a Blog and keep up on it!
Donate hair to Locks of Love
Quit Smoking
Get a book and read it at least one every two weeks!
Read 4 self help books (0/4)
Read ten novels from the classics list (0/10)
Make my bed every morning for a month x3 (0/3)
Actually do my monthly breast exams (0/33)
Do the Race for the Cure Walk EVERY YEAR
Attend a Play at the Penobscot Theater x3 (0/3)
Do a paint by numbers, frame it and hang it!
Clean the bathroom once a week for 2 months
Learn to change a car tire all by myself!
Do something with the back porch!!
Visit Family Members at least once a month
Have a GlamourShots Photo shoot
Stay off the computer during the weekends for 3 months
Update my resume and send it out!!!
Paint the upstairs hallway
Paint our bedroom
Hang art in our bedroom
Get a runner for the stairway
Keep the car clean of all trash
Replace the living room rug
Re-paint the front door…
Crochet dishclothsTake the kids apple picking every season
Take them strawberry picking every season
Buy new curtains/blinds for all the windows
Get teeth straightened
Body contouring?
Get a proper bra fitting!!!
Go 30 Consecutive days with no fast food, no take-out
Learn to drive a STANDARD!!
Visit my grandparents in SC
Be able to recite the state capitals alphabetically
Learn proper massage technique (even if it means studying online)
Learn a foreign language
Get my hunting license
Learn to shoot a bow and arrow
Take the GNA’s Course at work
Watch all Johnny Depp films
Learn to make jam
See Eminem in concert J
Make homemade macaroni and cheese and make it good!
Potty train JasonLearn to make jewelry
Get a new (preferably king sized) bed
Get some indoor plants and keep them alive
Get a very unsafe haircut
Read a photography book
Learn how to grill
Walk some of the trails in Maine
Go sledding once a week during winter
Plant a tree
Go to a movie with my mom
Update passport
Buy something from an antique store
Buy a Polaroid camera
Play Beer Die
Handwrite a letter to someone at least once a month
Make a Lucky Star Jar and give it to someone
Identify 100 things that make me happy
Send a just because gift to a friend
Write a new list
Start January 1, 2011
End September 27, 2013

And guess what? I'm all ready off and running on this:

#62 is in progress, as is #82 and few others that are ongoing. I also plan to use my new Kindle tonight and start reading some of those classics that I am dedicated to reading!

Happy New Year Everyone!!

