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Sunday, January 2, 2011

I told you I was going to dive head first into this....

Daily Bible Reading

This is number 29 on my list of  101 in 1001 Although I just realized I didn't update the list before I posted it on here. Number 29 was edited to read: Read the Bible Everyday. And so, I found this great website that gives me readings from the Catholic Bible everyday. And so, that is now in progress and has been since yesterday!

I also started number 3 today of Drink More Water. I took my water jug to work today and instead of drinking soda or my usual vanilla chai, I drank water all day!

Number 31 was also suppose to be edited to read "Donate things we don't need" as I really hate the idea of throwing away things, especially when there are probably less fortunate people who could use even the simplest of items. I started a pile last night all from Sean's side of the closet. Mostly bedding things like a couple of pillows, some of Mike's old shoes that were in our closet and an old radio. Of course, all my donations will be going to the Holy Family Parish Thrift Store

Number 37 is going on as we speak, since I am writing on this here blog! I know that maybe not everyone enjoys hearing what I have to say, but I know that my family has told me that they like to know what's going on with me and the family and that sometimes this is the easiest way to do it....

Number 42 is also in progress as last night I started reading Ulysses, which was listed as number 1 of the Top 100 Classic Novels. Reading with my Kindle is much easier and far more enjoyable then lugging around a big book!

As I said last night, #62 is all ready in progress and you all saw evidence of that last night. I don't have anymore dishcloth yarn right now, or I should say, I don't have enough to do another one, but I may try to make a "scrap" cloth if the mood strikes me.

And of course, #82. The ever exhausting battle of potty training. Of course, it doesn't help when some people aren't in it with me and just let him go in his pull up. *Sigh*

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